Contact Us

What’s Trending?

Before contacting us, check out some common questions we are currently being asked which may give you an instant answer:

2025 Entries

We have seen incredible demand for places in the 2025 edition, with the Dragon Devil distance now SOLD OUT and less than 10% places remaining in the Macmillan 100, Medio Fondo and Gran Fondo distances. We have taken the decision to close entries for a short period whilst we reassess capacities. Entries will reopen shortly for a limited time; leave your details to be notified of this and how to enter.

Updating Your Details

We are currently updating our system, so editing registrations is temporarily unavailable. We will email all participants when this process is complete and expect this to be by Monday 3rd February.

Participant Emails

We publish all emails sent to participants on this page and if you have unsubscribed, you can resubscribe there too.

If our trending topics haven’t answered your question, there is a good chance our Rider Hub or Weekend Guide pages will.

If you have checked out the above and still need help, simply email and we’ll aim to get back to you within three working days.