Rider Packs

Rider packs will be posted out a few weeks prior to the event. More detailed information about these dates will be released nearer to event day.

Rider pack contents


Large Event Number

This must be attached to your back , on the outside of your clothing (safety pins are not included). This must be visible at all times during the ride and is your passport to the Feed Stations and sweep vehicle where required.

Coloured Card

This is for us to identify who is riding which distance so the colour you have received will match your chosen distance. Please attach this to the front of your bike with the cable ties provided – two cable ties around the top and one around the bottom to go round your bike stem or wires.

Helmet & Bike Stickers

These stickers, printed with your event number, should be affixed as follows:

  • One small one to the FRONT of your helmet (so we can identify you from the front)
  • One small sticker for the Coloured Card provided
  • The long one around your seat tube pointing backwards (so we can identify you from the side)

Timing Chip

Your timing chip is the small silver tag which is stuck onto the long rectangular seat post sticker. This is very important so please ensure the long sticker is securely attached to the seat post of your bike. If it is not attached correctly or damaged in anyway, your results may be affected.

Your rider pack and number are your passport to the day. Please note that for safety reasons, rider packs are not transferable to other people. Anyone caught wearing someone else’s number will be removed from the event.

If you have any more questions about rider packs, click here.